Alton Physical Therapy participates in the following health care plans. If your plan is not listed, please contact our office and we will be happy to check your benefits.
- Aetna
- Advantra
- Align Networks
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield
- Humana
- Cigna
- Coventry
- Department of Labor
- Essence Healthcare
- First Health
- HealthLink
- Humana Military
- Medicare Part B
- Medrisk
- Multiplan
- Network Synergy Group (Genex)
- Railroad Medicare
- Three Rivers
- United Healthcare
- Veterans Administration
- Workman’s Compensation
We also provide a cash patient rate for those who do not have insurance. Please call 618-462-1133 for details.
These accepted insurance companies are for our Alton, Columbia, and Hardin locations. If you have insurance questions for our Litchfield Clinic call (217) 324-8780, Jerseyville Clinic call (618) 498-8480, Shelbyville Clinic call (217) 774-6434, or Staunton Clinic call (618) 635-4273.